Finno-Q Sac. 3g CP 1X10'S
Myo Inositol (MI) administration has been reported to exert beneficial effects at metabolic, hormonal and ovarian level. MI displays specific effects on ovary, chiefly by modulating glucose metabolism and FSH-signaling. Moreover, MI may also improve ovarian functions by modulating steroid metabolism through non-insulin-dependent pathways. DCI contributes in mediating insulin activity mainly on non-ovarian tissues. Myo Inositol produces second messengers for FSH and glucose uptake, while D-chiroinositol provides second messengers promoting glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis. As DCI and MI activity likely involves different biological mechanisms, both inositol isoforms have been synergistically integrated according to a multi-targeted design, by combining MI and DCI. In addition to inositol components (MI/DCI); use of folate in expecting or pregnant females lowers the risk of recurrent spontaneous early pregnancy losses. Elevated homocysteine and reduced serum folate concentrations are risk factors for spontaneous abortions. Folate supplementation is expected to be beneficial in women with histories of early pregnancy loss. It also reduces homocysteine levels thereby improving pregnancy outcomes.